Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Ten Best Unintended Uses for Kinect

Kinect flying machine

It arguably may be of little use to "hardcore" gamers at this point, but for intrepid modders looking to come up with something cool, Kinect has been a wonderful tool. Sure, it has the ability to make the audience on Oprah to go wild, allows you to play without actually doing anything, and gets Frank and Scooter to put on a show. But modders have been able to come up with much more.

Despite being available to the public for less than two months now, we've already seen dozens of uses for it that were most certainly not among those intended by Microsoft. That doesn't change the fact that many of them are invariably cool and exciting demonstrations of what's possible with the technology behind Kinect; it's especially exciting when you consider how little time modders have really had to churn out what you see below. And with that, let's take a look at the ten best unintended uses for Kinect.


Sony PSP Square Enix Gamespot Activision

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