Left for Dead Starcraft 2 Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC
Left for Dead Starcraft 2 Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC
Activision Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3 PC Games
Hey guys, I just want to fill you in on some changes we've been making on this end. As you probably remember, 1UP was acquired by IGN about two months ago, which was a big deal for us in that we could finally be part of a company that really gets both games and the internet (IGN's been doing this since the mid to late '90s). Having struggled through years of ownership often void of resources and imagination, it was sometimes incredibly challenging for me and the crew. If it weren't for such an amazing community and a fantastic group of passionate editors, this place would have been in real danger of closing up shop. But 1UP weathered the storm and has found a great new home in IGN.
Anyway, since then, we've moved 1UP's sites from a hosting facility in Massachusetts to IGN's server farm in Las Vegas (and despite a few expected hiccups, everything is functioning better than ever). We've also moved our offices down the street to IGN's building, allowing us to join some friends, be reunited with some former coworkers, and give me just a stupid awesome commute.
PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games
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Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games IGN
Check out the latest piece of promotional art for Batman: Arkham City – The Riddler decked out in black, white and, of course, a dastardly dash of green. We knew the puzzle-obsessed villain would play a larger role in Arkham City based on the teaser trailer I saw at GDC in March and the audio tape I found at E3 earlier this month, but this official poster image emphasizes just how important and intricate to the plot Edward Nigma will be...
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PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games
Proverbs are a big waste of time. They're meaningless words that stupid people use in the hope of sounding wise and prophetic. But you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs.
This feature actually started out as something different and turned into this video games crossed with proverbs thing along the way. I thought I'd call it '14 important life lessons we can learn from video games' because even the word 'proverb' is annoying. So I didn't want to put it in the headline. I guess it's true what they say... you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Anyway, this is it.
Activision Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3 PC Games
Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games IGN Sony PSP Square Enix
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Sony PSP Square Enix Gamespot Activision Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2
Starcraft 2 Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games
As cool as new screens look, and as informative as E3 impressions are, nothing from E3 catches the eye like a great trailer. With the yearly press conferences of the biggest publishers the most watched part of E3, each tries to outdo the other by premiering outstanding new game footage. But the best trailers don’t just show you some interesting gameplay. They shock and surprise you, these videos grab your attention in novel ways, sometimes making you care about something you had no previous interest in. These trailers did just that and more. But which was the best?
Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games IGN Sony PSP Square Enix
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Hey, videogames are a visual medium. Therefore, graphics are part of the package. How large a part they play is one of those things gamers will argue about for hours, with lots of phrases like "graphics whore", "frames per second", "gameplay first", and "realism vs art" thrown about. We say don't overcomplicate things - we like pretty pictures. The question is, which game have we declared the prettiest of all?
Sony PSP Square Enix Gamespot Activision Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2
Frogger. Sonic. Facebook. These are not words that inspire much confidence or excitement in the minds of gamers, but that’s part of what we love about E3 – you’re guaranteed at least a few pleasant surprises each year. An archaic arcade title refreshingly reborn in 3D? A misguided mascot finally finding his way home? A “social” strategy title that appeals to the hardcore? Hey, these might not actually suck at all…
Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games IGN Sony PSP
Activision Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3 PC Games
Maybe that's why manga-ka and comic artists have striven to put words in Samus' mouth and ambition in her Power Suit since her conception in 1986. The results have been interesting and varied, to say the least.
We regard today's Samus as a bit of a brooding character who will soliloquize at the drop of a Federation trooper's helmet. But through her career on the NES, when she had the least to say about herself (not even revealing her gender until you had suffered and bled for the privilege), she was arguably at her most talkative.
Codemasters has an enthusiastic write-up about their upcoming shooter Bodycount over on the official PlayStation Blog. (more…)
PC Games Left for Dead Starcraft 2 Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming
After the PlayStation Network was attacked in April, Sony was criticized for not informing users more quickly that their personal data had been compromised. There was a gap of at least one week between when the hack occurred and when the public was alerted to the incident. Sony says the delay was because it was unaware of everything that happened as a part of the breach; Congress and various Attorney Generals expressed their displeasure nonetheless. Another criticism was that Sony's security simply wasn't what it should have been to prevent the attack from happening. Whether or not that's the case, this new lawsuit presents some compelling evidence that Sony perhaps didn't do all it could to ensure security was up to snuff.
"Sony sought to cut its costs at the expense of its customers by terminating a significant number of employees immediately prior to the security breach, including personnel responsible for maintaining the security of the network," the class action lawsuit reads.
PC Games Left for Dead Starcraft 2 Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming
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Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games IGN
Fact: Gordon Ramsey, that TV chef who screams at everyone all the time for putting too much pan-seared fennel in the sous de l’orange, loves chili dogs and tater tots.
Okay, that particular fact is probably not true because we just made it up. But we bet there is something he loves that you can get in a drive-through. The point is a meal doesn’t need a five-star chef’s intimate knowledge of ostrich curd and starfish sauce to be enjoyable. And by the same token, a videogame can absolutely fantastic even if there’s no highbrow artistic statement mixed in with the action. Here are the games we can’t wait to dive into, even if they appeal to the summer popcorn-movie side of our brains instead of the snooty, art-critic lobe...
PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games
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Activision Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3 PC Games
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Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3 PC Games Left for Dead Starcraft 2
TDar Tuesday is back! This week we talk about loading, green things, Transformers, and miscellaneous. Join us won't you?
Sony PSP Square Enix Gamespot Activision Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2
Indiana Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson has ruled in favor of games publisher Electronic Arts in a case against the estate of American gangster and bank robber John Dillinger. The suit was filed by EA in response to threats of litigation from the Dillinger estate for using the “Dillinger” name for a machinegun in the Godfather games.
According to Magnus-Stinson, the Dillinger estate has no claim to exclusive publicity rights over the Dillinger name via the right-of-publicity statute, since the infamous gangster passed away before that law was passed. EA's case rested on a precedent ruling that the same exception applied to the name “Marilyn Monroe.”
Magnus-Stinson commented that Dillinger's association with the Thompson (or “Tommy Gun”), after which the Dillinger in EA's game was modeled, had been cemented in popular culture over the years...
PC Games Left for Dead Starcraft 2 Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming