Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Child of Eden in new Kinect bundle

Microsoft’s announced it’s beefing up its Kinect bundle with Tetsuya Mizuguchi’s Child of Eden; a download code for the critically hailed title will be included in the package. Expect it to start popping …


Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy

Mass Effect 3?s official female Shepard chosen

It’s taken BioWare a few Facebook votings, but Mass Effect 3‘s female Commander Shepard has finally been settled upon. With 19,576 votes, the redhead seen here took a landslide victory. Expect to see …


Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3 PC Games Left for Dead

Razer Announces Dedicated Gaming Laptop

An anonymous reader writes "After recently running a full-page ad in the WSJ saying, 'PC gaming is not dead,' Razer has now announced a new laptop, the Blade, for the express purpose of playing video games. Its most distinctive feature is what they call the 'Switchblade' UI, which is an area next to the keyboard that has a multi-touch LCD screen and 10 dynamic keys. The screen can receive and display information from games, and the keys can show unique icons particular to the game you're playing. The requisite hardware for a gaming laptop makes it weigh almost seven pounds, but it's less than an inch thick. Another distinctive feature is the price — at $2,800, they price a lot of gamers right out of the market. As the article says, 'It's a gamble, but an exciting one.'"

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Sony PSP Square Enix Gamespot Activision Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Free OnLive for all! (at PAX)

The guys at OnLive must have been visited by three strange ghosts overnight; the company will be giving away free OnLive Micro Consoles to any PAX attendee�with a PlayerTag, the system’s own Gamertag. …


Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3 PC Games Left for Dead Starcraft 2

Notch Shows Minecraft Adventure Update

jjp9999 writes "Markus 'Notch' Persson, the creator of Minecraft, showed off some features of the upcoming v1.8 at PAX, which includes the long-awaited adventure update. The video shows off villages, which Notch says can usually be found near the player's spawn point, as well as improved graphics and a few other gameplay tweaks. Notch says he and his team plan to release the update soon, but may release it in increments, since 'there's so much we need to clean up.' Regardless, the next version of Minecraft looks stunning, with some much-needed direction to the gameplay that could rekindle interest."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Gamespot Activision Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3

Deus Ex Human Revolution: Your verdict

The opinions that really matter...
You've read our thoughts on Deus Ex: Human Revolution and, following the game's release on Friday, we wanted to read yours.

Click here to read the full article


Left for Dead Starcraft 2 Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC

Torchlight II will be $19.99 and the final class is elemen-tastic

PAX Prime is going to be full of big announcements, and one of the first comes from Runic?s CEO, Max Schaefer. He had a real twofer today when he revealed that the Embermage will be the fourth class in Torchlight II and the game will launch at a very affordable $19.99. As for when that will be, we don't know...


IGN Sony PSP Square Enix Gamespot Activision Iphone 4 Games

Monday, August 29, 2011

Notch Discusses Why Minecraft Isn?t On Steam

As digital distribution becomes increasingly ubiquitous, more and more developers and publishers are starting to ask themselves if going on Steam, with its strict restrictions on DLC, is really worth it. EA has cited this as the reason for pulling Battlefield 3 from Steam, and now Markus ‘Notch’ Persson has detailed precisely why you can’t buy Minecraft on Steam. (more…)


IGN Sony PSP Square Enix Gamespot Activision Iphone 4 Games

Halo 4 is first in the 'Reclaimer Trilogy'

343 Industries talks Halo 4 at the Penny Arcade Expo.
343 Industry remained expectedly tight-lipped on Halo 4 details at the Halo 4 panel at PAX this weekend, but did reveal that Halo 4 will be the first game in a so-called 'Reclaimer Trilogy'.

Click here to read the full article


Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3 PC Games Left for Dead

Playdead?s next ?at least? 3.5 years from completion

Limbo developer Playdead is at work on their next property, this we know. When will we play it though? No sooner than the year 2015, it seems. The new project “will take at …


Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record's mode finally removes the countdown timer

Capcom revealed a new mode for Dead Rising 2: Off the Record at PAX that takes a big meaty bite into the heart of what makes Dead Rising fun. ?Sandbox mode? takes a sandbox game and adds, well... even more sandbox to it, removing the countdown timer and allowing players to roam freely for as long as they'd like. As Frank West says in the video...


Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3 PC Games Left for Dead

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cross Court Tennis Screens

4 new shots posted.


Get the full article at GameSpot

"Cross Court Tennis Screens" was posted on Sun, 28 Aug 2011 17:03:22 -0700


Square Enix Gamespot Activision Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS

BioShock Vita: What we want to see

Here's our list, but what do YOU want to see?.
We know next to nothing about Irrational's proposed BioShock for the PlayStation Vita, which makes it perfect mulling material for our 'What we want to see' logs.

Click here to read the full article


Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy

Sonic CD Spins Onto Consoles, Phones

Publisher Sega will release a remastered version of high-octane platformer Sonic CD for multiple platforms this year, it said Thursday.
The game will be available for download on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. Sega will also release versions for iOS, Android and Windows Phone platforms. It will feature the original Japanese soundtrack as well as [...]


Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy

Microsoft announces Halo: Anniversary 3D mode

"If you've got the tech, you definitely want to take advantage of it," says 343.
Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary is set to feature a stereoscopic 3D mode on Xbox 360, Microsoft has announced.

Click here to read the full article


PS3 PC Games Left for Dead Starcraft 2 Wii Sega Genesis

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Eyes-on / Prototype 2

Most of what we have seen from the upcoming �Prototype 2 has been pre-rendered and cinematic, showing off the story of the upcoming sequel. That story, as convoluted as it is, is pretty …


Starcraft 2 Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games

Sports Bars Changing Channels For Video Gamers

dtmos wrote in to say that "This summer, StarCraft II has become the newest bar room spectator sport. Fans organize so-called Barcraft events, taking over pubs and bistros from Honolulu to Florida and switching big-screen TV sets to Internet broadcasts of professional game matches. As they root for their on-screen superstars, StarCraft enthusiasts can sow confusion among regular patrons... But for sports-bar owners, StarCraft viewers represent a key new source of revenue from a demographic—self-described geeks—they hadn't attracted before."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games IGN

Sneak Preview of Halo Fest?s Shooter-iffic Feast for Fans

Attendees at this weekend's Penny Arcade Expo can go deep inside the world of Halo during Halo Fest, a three-day celebration of Microsoft's groundbreaking shooter series.


PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games

Epic shoots out Unreal SDK refresh video


Activision Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3 PC Games

Friday, August 26, 2011

UFC 3?s Cover Goes Up For A Vote

Five fighters are contenders for the cover of UFC Undisputed 3‘s cover when the game releases in January. Fans will vote on the honour, selecting from a pool of Georges St Pierre, Cain Velasquez, Jon Jones, Anderson Silva and Frankie Edgar. (more…)


PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games