Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3 PC Games Left for Dead Starcraft 2
Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3 PC Games Left for Dead Starcraft 2
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Activision Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3 PC Games
Gamespot Activision Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3
Activision Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3 PC Games
PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games
Harry Potter's latest adventure in colourful block land is a fun and varied way to end the series.
Score: 8.0 / great
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Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network
Final Fantasy VII is one of the most oft-requested remakes whether you're talking about Final Fantasy or games in general, but be careful what you wish for: should it ever happen, the game may not end up being just like fans remember it.
Square Enix's Yoshinori Kitase, who is currently serving as a producer on the upcoming Final Fantasy XIII-2 and was the director of Final Fantasy VII, recently spoke about how he would personally like to approach a remake of VII, should it ever happen. He's not keen on leaving things just as they are, a stance that could upset diehard fans.
Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games IGN Sony PSP Square Enix
Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games IGN
We interrupt your cold turkey sandwiches and awkward Thanksgiving brunches to bring you a Lego-ized recreation of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 reveal trailer. Why? Because for some of us it's a holiday, and for others it's just Friday--and those are two fine reasons to slack off for a few minutes and enjoy a highly entertaining piece of fan tribute...
Starcraft 2 Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games
Square Enix Gamespot Activision Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS
About six years ago, Marvel needed to give Magneto a uniform befitting a head of state for his appearance in The Pulse: House of M Special. It was, as that image above suggests, a straight copy of the duds King Juan Carlos wears as World’s Most Interesting Man Captain General of the Armies. The royal house protested to Marvel, there was an apology and a resolution, and that was alle ...
Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network
Singapore's year-end electronics fair held from Nov. 24 to 27.
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Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network
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PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games
It’s been playable for years, and has captured the imagination of millions of gamers around the world, but it’s only now, in November 2011, that indie world-building sensation Minecraft has been officially “released”. So it’s only now, with a v1.0 after its name, that we feel safe enough to have this informal little pow-wow. A lot has changed since the game ...
Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy
We interrupt your cold turkey sandwiches and awkward Thanksgiving brunches to bring you a Lego-ized recreation of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 reveal trailer. Why? Because for some of us it's a holiday, and for others it's just Friday--and those are two fine reasons to slack off for a few minutes and enjoy a highly entertaining piece of fan tribute...
Gamespot Activision Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3
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Black Friday is just a few days away, and for many shoppers in the United States it's even an more exciting day than Thanksgiving. This year features no shortage of deals on videogames and videogame systems; the struggling economy has resulted in retailers going all-out to get people into their stores (or onto their websites), as evidenced by a number of stores opening on Thursday as opposed to waiting for midnight or early Friday morning.
Below you'll find the highlights of this year's videogame sales from many of the nation's top outlets like Best Buy, GameStop, and Walmart -- even the Xbox Live Marketplace is having a big sale. Amazon is currently in the middle of a Black Friday week special, but its deals set to launch on Friday are currently unknown. Steam, meanwhile, currently has an autumn sale going on.
Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games IGN Sony PSP
Starcraft 2 Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games
Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games IGN Sony PSP
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From the ashes of its predecessor, The King of Fighters XIII rises to restore the series to its rightful place in the fighting genre spotlight.
Score: 8.5 / great
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PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games
When Sony San Diego Studio needs to build a new major league ballpark for MLB The Show, they go to that ballpark, take hundreds of measurements and images, and spend about four months constructing it in the game. When they need new sounds you hear at that ballpark, they go to a minor league field. In search of “quality-sounding hits” and “thwacky, meaty catches,” t ...
Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games IGN