We go ears-on with seven top gaming headsets to find out which offers you the best bang for your buck.
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We go ears-on with seven top gaming headsets to find out which offers you the best bang for your buck.
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Square Enix filed a trademark yesterday for "Final Fantasy Type-0" with the OHIM, the trademark office for the European Union. The filing included a logo, seen above. While the company has been openly discussing a number of projects bearing the Final Fantasy name in recent months, the phrase "type-0" was not mentioned in English or in Japanese.
The filing was uncovered by Silconera who noted that the Japanese company does not normally include a logo with every filing. Silconera pointed to next month's 1st Production Department Premiere as a potential unveiling for something connected to this new trademark.
Source: http://www.1up.com/news/square-enix-trademark-ff-type-zero
This is indeed heavy. Just as we were beginning to worry that Telltale’s pre-Xmas release date for Back to the Future might slip until after the holidays, old Chris Cringle, or more likely Emmet Brown, delivers some seasonal cheer. Yup, the first of the episodic BTTF chapters will launch on PC and Mac next week…
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
Source: http://www.pcgamersblog.com/50226711/seen_that_snoopy_vs_the_red_barron.php
Source: http://www.pcgamersblog.com/83049867/microsoft_website_to_deliver_pc_games_online.php
We go ears-on with seven top gaming headsets to find out which offers you the best bang for your buck.
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Source: http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/puzzle/stacking/images.html?sid=6285807
When you wake up on the 25th there’s a good chance one of the following games is gonna be under your tree; unless you’re not Christian, in which case you already bought and beat it. Either way, you’re gonna want some tips in your never-ending quest to humiliate all the scrubs online who keep getting lucky and embarrassing you. Good news, we’ve got a huge batch of multiplayer tips and strategies for Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, Halo: Reach and Black Ops right here, including a cool new Achievement video guide for Black Ops. So sit back, pour some Egg Nog (or other non-holiday related beverage) and read up, because the only thing worse than coal in your stocking is an embarrassing kill/death ratio.
Contrary to what your co-workers/teachers/parents tell you, swearing your head off is both big and clever. Not convinced? Then let this kickass Bulletstorm developer diary persuade you, as it rocks your f*cking face off with a veritable shit-storm of Epic-endorsed swears…
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Source: http://www.gamespot.com/iphone/adventure/cassandrasjourneyhd/images.html?sid=6285831
Bethesda has released a new trailer for its first Fallout: New Vegas DLC, 'Dead Money', which can best be described as Oceans 11 with slave collars. Get a sneak peak at out out how you'll soon be getting rich (or decapitated) in the wastelands this holiday season...
Vents, huh, yeah. What are they good for? Absolutely nothing… except the useful circulation of oxygen. Granted, that’s definitely one in the plus column for the humble air vent. But you can also stick ‘houses flesh-eating space beasties’ right in the con column. We can see why Dead Space’s Isaac Clarke hates the glorified wall holes so much. See him give one what for (courtesy of a B. Buttercup-pleasing unicorn) in the festive Dead Space 2 video inside…
Tired of shooting men in the face in the same old Call of Duty: Black Ops maps? Then rejoice. For you shall soon be able to partake in said make believe face-shooting on new maps, when the game’s first DLC is released on February 1st. Entitled First Strike, the pack will remain a timed-exclusive on 360 for around about a month. All the details on the new maps inside…
A mysterious trademark for Final Fantasy Type-0 popped up in a European trademark database. (more…)
Source: http://feeds.kotaku.com.au/~r/KotakuAustralia/~3/Sx6mQx-W2UY/
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ThatVideogameBlog/~3/LrUnjr5a-QY/
Enter Nintendo's competition to join GameSpot UK at the press-only 3DS showcase in Amsterdam.
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Source: http://www.gamespot.com/3ds/puzzle/tetris/news.html?sid=6285829
Source: http://www.pcgamersblog.com/50226711/seen_that_new_dreamfall_website_goes_live.php
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Source: http://www.gamesradar.com/f/the-worst-box-art-of-2010/a-20101215143852692026
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Source: http://feeds.kotaku.com.au/~r/KotakuAustralia/~3/v5-ux1joZps/
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Source: http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/puzzle/stacking/images.html?sid=6285808
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