Thursday, December 30, 2010

Activision: Ex-Infinity Ward men wouldn't let us pay staff, tried to crush poor old Treyarch, eat kittens on toast (Call of Duty: Black Ops)

Activision's feud with fired Infinity Ward founders Jason West and Vince Zampella is now officially just one illicit gay affair away from a full-blown soap opera. Seriously, it's popcorn time. There could not be a better start to the panto season. 

As you probably remember, the ex-Infinity Ward men - now at new studio Respawn Entertainment, under EA - are suing Activision. They're saying that previous to firing them. Activision deliberately withheld staff bonuses in order to bribe Infinity Ward staff to stay onboard.

*boo! hiss!*

As of today though, Activision is claiming that EA boss John Riccitiello schmoozed West and Zampella to leave Activision as long ago as last summer, and that the IW men tried to "crush" rival Call of Duty dev Treyarch. Oh, and that Activision itself only didn't pay the bonuses because West and Zampella wouldn't let them. And it only gets juicier. Click on, and I'll relate to you the rest of these insane "Oh no, he isn't!" "Oh yes he is!" shenanigans.


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