Monday, January 31, 2011

Age of Empires Online hands-on preview (Age of Empires Online)

A few of us at GR are huge RTS nerds, and a few of us are MMO nerds, and yes, there is some crossover. We’re of the firm belief that any genre could be made into an MMO, and we’re dismayed that nearly every MMO out there is an RPG. We’ve pondered how it could be possible to make an MMORTS, and it hasn’t been easy to imagine a persistent world populated by players all fighting each other for world domination – especially since there’s the huge hurdle of how to deal with a player’s base when they’re not logged in. Age of Empires Online tackles this problem by not actually tackling it at all, and the result is a game that tenuously connects itself to the MMO moniker. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing at all – it’s just different from what we expected from an MMORTS, but then that’s because we favor multiplayer over single-player in RTS games...


Left for Dead Starcraft 2 Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming

TalkRadar 136 – NextGenPodcast (Dead Space 2)

Dead Space 2, PSP2 news, horrible tales of poorly researched horseshit from the mainstream media, Marcus Fenix, and a community infused glitch-tacular!


IGN Sony PSP Square Enix Gamespot Activision

Video game museum opens new exhibit in Germany, looks awesome (PC)

With a new museum that has more than 14,000 games on display, really sick-looking exhibits, and 50 years worth of gaming history, there's never been a better time to book a trip to Berlin...


Sony PSP Square Enix Gamespot Activision Iphone 4 Games

Nintendo reveals new Wii games, details next Kirby

Pandora's Tower and DS hit Rhythm Paradise also coming to home console.
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata used the company's third quarter financial results briefing to reveal a number of new games coming to Wii this year, including a fresh Kirby title.

Click here to read the full article


Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games IGN Sony PSP

Top 5 Of Top 10 Lists: It?s Time For Androgyny

Each week throws off several new video game lists ranging from the humorous to the trivial. What’s better? A list of those. Here’s a roundup of the rundowns out there. (more…)


Gameboy EA Games IGN Sony PSP Square Enix

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Preemptive 2011 Game Awards (RAGE)

We didn’t need to play UK Truck Simulator (totally real) or whatever before declaring our picks for the best games of 2010. We have common sense and expectations. We’re not robots. Well, maybe we are, but if we are then we’re really advanced robots - like Data’s brother in TNG.

This human (or evil android) common sense also gives us the power to make educated guesses as to which games of 2011 will get award-giving gamz jarnlists like ourselves all riled up...


Gameboy EA Games IGN Sony PSP Square Enix

Ringo Starr files trademark for ?Ringo? videogame

This baby just writes itself. Ringo Starr has reportedly filed a trademark for ?Ringo? under the category of ?computer game software? and “downloadable computer games via the Internet and wireless devices.” Sadly, or perhaps happily, that?s all there is to go on at this point. We wonder: Could Ringo be the unlikely hero that rises [...]


PC Games Left for Dead Starcraft 2 Wii Sega Genesis

Updating to a Current Free Download of Antivirus Software

� Enric MartinezAs faster internet connections become more widespread for ordinary computer users, more and more computer viruses have the opportunity to be released faster and at a wider scale. This can be a major concern for all computer users because viruses can infect a computer and damage its software or hardware. In addition, a computer virus has the ability to duplicate itself and then potentially spread onto other computers.

Therefore, antivirus software has become increasingly significant and essential for the protection and security ...


Starcraft 2 Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC

3DS Download Store Coming to Japan in May

Nintendo 3DS Shigeru Miyamoto

One of the disappointing realizations about the other new handheld we recently learned about was that the 3DS' digital store wouldn't be available from launch. Some details on the service have just been released through a Q3 financial results briefing, including an idea of when gamers will be able to get their hands on it.

Officially called the Nintendo eShop, the service will allow you to download trailers and demos in addition to all sorts of games: Virtual Console titles (including classic Game Boy games), DSiWare games, and new games specifically made for the 3DS. It was noted both the Wii and DSi's online stores haven't "provided the users with a sufficiently easy and accessible interface" due to being based on browser technology. The separation between the Wii's Nintendo Channel and Shop Channel also led to a disconnect between promotions and actual sales. That's been resolved for the eShop, according to Nintendo: "[W]e will be running a drastically redesigned shop for Nintendo 3DS in which you can more comfortably purchase software through downloads. Our goal is to make Nintendo eShop a place where you feel like stopping by and enjoying window shopping."

At least in Japan, the eShop will be coming in "late May." It'll be delivered through the system's first firmware update, which will also add an internet browser and the ability to transfer DSiWare purchases from the DSi to the 3DS. Another firmware update is planned for sometime after the launch of the eShop which will grant users with a limited number of transfers to move downloaded games from one 3DS to another.


Sony PSP Square Enix Gamespot Activision Iphone 4 Games

DC Universe Online becomes Sony Online's fastest seller (DC Universe Online)

Although the publisher wouldn't provide a specific number for how many units it has sold, Sony Online Entertainment has announced that DC Universe Online is the company's "fastest selling game ever," and that it's having difficulty keeping stock available...


Sony PSP Square Enix Gamespot Activision Iphone 4 Games

Paradox Interactive wants you dead. Why death matters in new MMO Salem (PC)

Paradox Interactive wants you dead. For good. In an age of respawns, restarts, Vita-Chambers and phoenix downs, the Swedish publisher has announced that its upcoming MMO, Salem, will offer no mercy for fallen players beyond the ability to mourn their old lives and start over from scratch...


Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games IGN Sony PSP

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Best Thing About The NGP Isn?t New Technology

Sony’s Next Generation Portable has a lot of fancy, no doubt expensive new equipment inside it. And you know what? None of it matters. Why? Because the thing has two thumbsticks. (more…)


Square Enix Gamespot Activision Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2

The Manly Art Of Posing With Video Game Systems

I’ve never posed with a video game system. I doubt you have either. But the top men in video games do that any time there’s new gaming hardware to show off. How cool can you look posing with plastic? (more…)


Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games IGN

Xbox Live Labels Autistic Boy "Cheater"

Jellis55 writes "Jennifer Zdenek, the mother of an 11-year-old boy who lives with autism, is outraged at Microsoft Xbox Live for labeling her son a 'cheater' and taking away everything he's earned online. She says her son, Julias Jackson, is so good at playing X-Box games, Xbox LIVE thought he cheated. She says her son got online last week to play Xbox LIVE and saw that he was labeled a cheater and had zero achievements. Microsoft continues to ignore her requests to take 'cheater' off of his account."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


EA Games IGN Sony PSP Square Enix Gamespot

Metal Gear Solid: Rising - What we want to see

This is our list, but what do YOU want to see?.
Metal Gear Solid: Rising is a game that we already know a fair bit about: Handled by a new Konami team, Rising is set to spawn a new series that runs alongside the original Metal Gear Solid story.

Click here to read the full article


PS3 PC Games Left for Dead Starcraft 2 Wii

David Jaffe compares Sony NGP to a vagina... in a good way

Had your breakfast yet?.
David Jaffe has proffered a rather lewd, crude and 'interesting' description of Sony's NGP (PSP2) - but it looks like he's a fan.

Click here to read the full article


PC Games Left for Dead Starcraft 2 Wii Sega Genesis

Crytek 'discussing' Timesplitters 4

"Let's see after Crysis 2," says boss Cevat Yerli.
Crytek has told us it's exploring the possibility of making a new Timesplitters game.

Click here to read the full article


Nintendo DS PS3 PC Games Left for Dead Starcraft 2

Friday, January 28, 2011

12 gaming mysteries we want solved in 2011 (PC)

January isn’t just a traditionally dry month for game releases – it’s also the month during which we, knowing relatively little about what’s to come in the new year, like to make arbitrary predictions and demands about/of the game industry. It’s not unreasonable; right now, the rest of 2011 looks like a vast field of possibility, so anything could happen. Assuming anything does, though, we have a few nagging questions we really hope will be answered in the next 12 months. For example…


IGN Sony PSP Square Enix Gamespot Activision

DC Universe Online (Review)

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nah, it's just our hopes for DC Universe Online falling a bit from the heights we envisioned during our hands-on last month. The final product still packs a super-powered punch, but the thrill is fleeting. The quests quickly get repetitive. The content may not warrant playing beyond the first free month. And horror of horrors, the button-mashing quality of the gameplay occasionally makes playing World of Warcraft seem like performing a Rachmaninoff piano concerto on a banjo by comparison...


Gameboy EA Games IGN Sony PSP Square Enix

Last Class Heroes Screens

4 new shots posted.


Get the full article at GameSpot

"Last Class Heroes Screens" was posted on Fri, 28 Jan 2011 12:47:23 -0800


Activision Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3

Golden Joystick Awards

The 28th Annual Joystick Awards are to be held this October, and voting has already started online at Golden Joystick. Last year over 1.2 million votes were cast by "the only people that matter", gamers, and almost 1,000 votes have been cast already for the 2010 awards.


The obvious awards include Action/Adventure games, shooters and RPGs, while some of the more unpredictable categories include Music and Soundtrack, UK Developer and One to Watch (the award that over the years has made gamers aware of ...


Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3 PC Games

Star Wars: The Old Republic reportedly coming this fall, Mass Effect 3 delay seems more likely (Star Wars: The Old Republic)

A report from MCV claims that sources within BioWare have stated that Star Wars: The Old Republic will release September of this year, which is later than previously expected. The upcoming Star Wars MMOG is purportedly BioWare's most ambitious project ever, and is currently in a closed testing phase...


EA Games IGN Sony PSP Square Enix Gamespot

New StarCraft II custom games go live on (StarCraft II)

When everyone else was Capturing the Flag, becoming King of the Hill and other done-to-death multiplayer options, the original StarCraft distinguished itself with online modes like Football and Zerg Hunting. Those were adventurous enough for their day, but with the three custom multiplayer modes just launched for the sequel, Blizzard seem to be aiming squarely at confounding expectations with interesting new play styles...


Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3 PC Games

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sony's NGP: What It Feels Like

Following the NGP press conference yesterday, Sony invited a bunch of media to a nearby office building -- a futuristic-looking tower known as "Sony City" -- to get a closer look at the system.

With six people in the room (one guy was there just to wipe fingerprints off the system), I tried two games: an as-yet-untitled Uncharted spin-off from Sony Bend, and a new puzzle game called Little Deviants from Bigbig Studios. Notably, both teams have been key PSP developers for Sony in the past few years, with Sony Bend working on the Syphon Filter series and Resistance: Retribution, and Bigbig working on the Pursuit Force series and MotorStorm: Arctic Edge.


Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games

The Preemptive 2011 Game Awards (RAGE)

We didn’t need to play UK Truck Simulator (totally real) or whatever before declaring our picks for the best games of 2010. We have common sense and expectations. We’re not robots. Well, maybe we are, but if we are then we’re really advanced robots - like Data’s brother in TNG.

This human (or evil android) common sense also gives us the power to make educated guesses as to which games of 2011 will get award-giving gamz jarnlists like ourselves all riled up...


Gameboy EA Games IGN Sony PSP Square Enix

Platinum's new game due autumn 2011, renamed for Western markets

Third person multiplayer brawler called Anarchy Reigns in the US and Europe.
Platinum Games' new title will arrive in autumn 2011 for PS3 and Xbox 360 and be named Anarchy Reigns in the US and Europe.

Click here to read the full article


Gamespot Activision Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS

Sony NGP: 7 more official PSP2 shots

A bit darker, moodier. Oooh.
Sony has sent over a few more official photos of its NGP - or PSP2 as it's also known.

Click here to read the full article


Nintendo DS PS3 PC Games Left for Dead Starcraft 2