Sunday, January 30, 2011

3DS Download Store Coming to Japan in May

Nintendo 3DS Shigeru Miyamoto

One of the disappointing realizations about the other new handheld we recently learned about was that the 3DS' digital store wouldn't be available from launch. Some details on the service have just been released through a Q3 financial results briefing, including an idea of when gamers will be able to get their hands on it.

Officially called the Nintendo eShop, the service will allow you to download trailers and demos in addition to all sorts of games: Virtual Console titles (including classic Game Boy games), DSiWare games, and new games specifically made for the 3DS. It was noted both the Wii and DSi's online stores haven't "provided the users with a sufficiently easy and accessible interface" due to being based on browser technology. The separation between the Wii's Nintendo Channel and Shop Channel also led to a disconnect between promotions and actual sales. That's been resolved for the eShop, according to Nintendo: "[W]e will be running a drastically redesigned shop for Nintendo 3DS in which you can more comfortably purchase software through downloads. Our goal is to make Nintendo eShop a place where you feel like stopping by and enjoying window shopping."

At least in Japan, the eShop will be coming in "late May." It'll be delivered through the system's first firmware update, which will also add an internet browser and the ability to transfer DSiWare purchases from the DSi to the 3DS. Another firmware update is planned for sometime after the launch of the eShop which will grant users with a limited number of transfers to move downloaded games from one 3DS to another.


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