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Microsoft claims Gears 3 has grossed more than any other game released in 2011, though with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 not far off, that may not remain true for long. Even if (or, more likely, when) that happens, the game's success has pushed the Gears franchise over the $1 billion mark in lifetime sales. This is apparently the first "Xbox 360-exclusive franchise introduced this console generation" to surpass the $1 billion mark. It's unclear if sales from the PC version of the first game (the only one in the series to be released on a platform other than 360) were included in that figure.
"Gears of War was the first killer app for Xbox 360, and the series has continued to contribute directly to the overall success of the platform ever since," said Microsoft Corporate Vice President Phil Spencer. "Gears of War 3 kicked off the biggest holiday in Xbox history with a bang last week, setting the standard for the kinds of amazing, action-packed experiences gamers should expect on Xbox 360 this year."
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By: Dennis Farrell September 28, 2011
Having spent the last fifteen years compulsively adding random cgi aliens to the original Star Wars trilogy, George Lucas is taking a much deserved vacation following the release of The Complete Saga.
Meanwhile, The Old Republic is closing in on its recently announced release date of December 20th. Since the Star Wars MMO carves out a niche some 3,500 years before the events of the films, BioWare has enjoyed a great deal of creative freedom up to this point. With a restless George Lucas roaming the wild, however, it's only natural to wonder what would happen if he turned his attention toward The Old Republic and gave it the "Special Edition" treatment.
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Maybe what drew you here is the chance to watch someone play a video game using technology that tracks eye movement. But make sure you stick around to hear about the people who make that possible. (more…)
Shrek's sidekick is breaking out on his own with a new video game to accompany the Puss in Boots movie.
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If you play Uncharted multiplayer at al, you’ll probably have heard at some stage Drake utter the strange line “Kitty got wet”. Ever wonder where it came from? (more…)
Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network
At a glance, it may look like you?ve seen this Assassin?s Creed: Revelations trailer before, and there?s a reason for that. It?s actually almost identical to the one Ubisoft showed off at this year?s E3, save for two key differences: it lasts for a few seconds longer, and the catchy music is replaced with Ezio?s narration. While they might sound like minor changes, these two alterations completely change the tone of the video from a cool cinematic battle to a full-blown story trailer that delves into the plot of Revelations...
PC Games Left for Dead Starcraft 2 Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming
Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network
Starcraft 2 Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games
On the official Dota 2 blog today, Valve wrote about a thoughtful post on its initial release schedule saying, ?we decided our original plan was dumb.? Dota 2 was expected to remain in beta for upwards of a year. During this time the team would iron out kinks and add a steady supply of new heroes. But after receiving feedback from closed beta participants and The International, Valve's million-dollar tournament that ended last month, the company said ?we?re going to take the current version of Dota 2, which has The International set of heroes, and get it out there as fast as we can.??
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By: Jeremy Parish September 25, 2011
Twenty-five years ago, on September 26, 1986, Konami launched a brand new game in Japan that would go on to become one of the longest continuously running franchises in the medium's history. Akumajou Dracula -- roughly translating to "Demon Castle Dracula," which became "Castlevania" in the West in accordance with Konami's weird obsession with pun-laden localization in the '80s -- was actually two different games on two different platforms. The better-known of the two was a straight-up action platformer for Famicom Disk System, the rewritable NES add-on released only in Japan. On the MSX computer, on the other hand, Akumajou Dracula featured the same general play mechanics and aesthetics as its FDS counterpart but wrapped them in a more labyrinthine format, compensating for the MSX's lack of smooth video scrolling by turning its castle stages into self-contained mazes.
Castlevania was a different kind of game than players were accustomed to, especially on Famicom. Unlike so many of the other platformers that had followed in the wake of Super Mario Bros.' success (Mario having launched on Famicom almost a year to the day before Akumajou Dracula), Konami's game was slow-paced, methodical, and possessed a fairly realistic ambiance. The hero, Simon Belmondo (Belmont in the West), was proportioned like an actual human adult. Japanese games of the era tended to warp the proportions of characters to give their faces more real estate and allow for cute, visually expressive designs. Simon had a tiny four-pixel face with no details, his characterization instead coming through his determined gait and unique method of attack. The Vampire Killer whip was an uncommon choice for any video game protagonist outside of Indiana Jones, striking a middle-range balance between fists and guns. The game's unconventional look, pacing, and weaponry set it apart from its peers.
It’s impossible to watch this and not think of Randy Parker, Ralphie’s brother from A Christmas Story. C’mon guys! C’mon! Hey! That’s not funny! Guys! (more…)
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Reddit user notadoctoreither shall henceforth be known as king of the Oblivion fans, having spent a month’s time and $US130 collecting the countless books scattered across the game’s cities and towns into one gorgeous tome, and you can too. (more…)
Dark Souls players looking for a more… unique challenge may want to follow the lead of a Japanese player who opted to punch his way through the game’s first boss, the massive Asylum Demon. No weapons, no spells, just bare knuckle brawling. (more…)
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As the countdown ticks steadily down to Battlefield 3's October 28 release, the storm of promotions surrounding it has been quickly ramping up. The latest weapon in Battlefield 3's advertising arsenal pulls in the help of world famous rapper, producer, and entrepreneur Jay-Z. It's a gameplay trailer set to be broadcast on television Monday, September 26. We have a teaser for the trailer (or ?treaser?), which contains snippets of fresh gameplay set to the Jay-Z track ?99 Problems.? Watch it as many times as you'd like?
Iphone 4 Games Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PS3 PC Games Left for Dead
Playstation Network Gameboy EA Games IGN Sony PSP Square Enix
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You may know Tim Rogers as the guy who occasionally writes really long (but insightful!) columns for Kotaku. Or perhaps you’ve seen his glittery pink review site, Action Button. You may have even played a game he has developed! Recently, Tim began playing the The Sims Social, and now we have what might be one of the most fascinating deconstructions of a social game we’ve ever come across. (more…)
Left for Dead Starcraft 2 Wii Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC
Original Story: Anytime the PlayStation Network goes down, it's hard not to assume the worst after the April breach. While we can only hope for the best and that things will be resolved quickly, the service remains down for the time being.
Issues arose when users were unable to log in earlier today. A message on the official PlayStation Twitter account explained that Sony is aware and working to fix the matter, though we haven't gotten any further updates over the past few hours. We've been given no indication that this downtime was planned or that it's anything particularly serious.
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Today we all know that Luigi is the taller of the two Mario brothers, but back in the old days the difference wasn’t quite as easy to notice. (more…)
Sega Genesis PC gaming Oblivion PC Indie games Playstation Network Gameboy
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