jjp9999 writes "Anyone who remembers Eye of the Beholder should be glad to know a group of developers is trying to bring back the first person dungeon crawl genre while holding true to the classic style. Legend of Grimrock is still in its pre-alpha state, but could breathe new life into a genre that many a geek still remembers fondly. The game gives players control of four characters as they try to escape a prison labyrinth. The graphics and lighting are what you'd expect from a modern game, but early videos show it doesn't stray too far from everything that was done right by Eye of the Beholder."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Source: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdotGames/~3/0o1G9xIEHus/First-Person-Dungeon-Crawlers-Making-a-Return
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