Previous entries: 1. Bangai-O Spirits | 2. Brain Age | 3. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow | 4. Contra 4 | 5. Dragon Quest V | 6. Dragon Quest IX | 7. Etrian Odyssey III | 8. Feel the Magic: XY/XX | 9. Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light | 10. Kirby: Canvas Curse | 11. The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks | 12. Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story | 13. Mario Kart DS | 14. Mega Man ZX Advent | 15. Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer | 16. Nintendogs | 17. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney | 18. Pok�mon HeartGold & SoulSilver | 19. Professor Layton and the Curious Village | 20. Retro Game Challenge | 21. Shantae: Risky's Revenge | 22. Scurge: Hive | 23. Super Princess Peach Source:
25 days tomorrow, Nintendo launches its 3DS handheld system in Japan, to be followed a month later by the European and American versions. While the arrival of 3DS doesn't mean its predecessor is completely dead, we're definitely moving into the DS's latter days. That makes now the perfect occasion to catch on up all the DS games you've missed. In the days leading up to 3DS's Japanese debut, I'll be looking back at the best the DS had to offer -- my favorite games for one of my favorite systems ever, and some others that I may not be totally enamored with but can respect for their general importance. This isn't a definitive list or anything. It's an op-ed column! Please feel free to voice your dissent in the comments.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Departing Salute - The Best of DS #24: Super Scribblenauts
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